понедельник, 23 июня 2008 г.


I remember once we were talking with my parents about the safest way to travel, my mother said the safest and easiest way to get where you want is by plane, my father didn't agree, ha said it may be the easiest but not the safest, because when you travel in a boat you ca swim in case of something but when a plane suffers an accident you can' t do nothing.

суббота, 21 июня 2008 г.


I try to think positive, because i understand there is not point to worry or feel sad when things don't work like you want, in this way you do not change them, but now this is so hard, I am exhausted .... Hope my problems will end soon, i will be relaxed and happy again.

вторник, 10 июня 2008 г.


It is the end of the day , i can't wait the end of the month to receive my salary and plan the summer vacation, I will be very happy and have a lot of fun, i think i will go the sea side...

понедельник, 31 марта 2008 г.

April has come already! It’s spring, and probably I’ll post more seldom.

пятница, 29 февраля 2008 г.

Probably it is very difficult to be alone in this world.

I’m surrounded with the most beautiful and dearest friends Daphne and Marina.

My friends, thanks a lot that you support me and don’t forget me!!

среда, 6 февраля 2008 г.

Sad story.

Everything was so simple 100 years ago when there were few cars and planes in general were a miracle and flied very seldom.

Has really technical progress stopped and people will not think up anything more safely, than modern cars and planes.

пятница, 18 января 2008 г.


Kind deeds that are made not with love to people, but for your soul’s salvation are not kind at all. There is no good without love. Just a simple conclusion – I will learn how to love everybody. That’s time. It’s enough to love only me. It’s boring.

пятница, 4 января 2008 г.

Hand Car Wash.

Guys have left the taps running! ))